Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Collector Care 4.5 Tips
Reduce the Junk in Your Trunk

Hello Collectors! We  have had the privilege of riding with you in your cluttered cars, as well as helping you clear out your cluttered trunks. We have organized trunks that have been so cram packed; the stuff inside was shaped as a mold of the trunk.  We have clients that have had to sit on their trunk to get it closed.

We know it's not just clutter in your home, but in your vehicle as well. We totally get it.  Depending on the size of your trunk you can really fit a lot in there! You might need those things one day. Or will you?
Things people need in their trunks include: a spare tire, jumper cables, first aid kit, water. Your trunk should not be used as rolling storage or a rolling trash bin.

Another thought - what about your fuel economy? You are paying to haul your junk around. With all that extra weight in your trunk, you are actually costing yourself money.

Below are 4.5 tips to help you clear the clutter in your car trunk, truck bed, back of van etc: (we have seen it all)
  1. Take a large tarp and set it up next to your vehicle somewhere outside safe. Pull everything out of your trunk and put it on the tarp.
  2. Vacuum your trunk and spray air freshener inside. Wipe down any spills.
  3. Remove all the garbage off of the tarp, and dispose or recycle.
  4. Items that go back into the trunk are carefully put back. Items that go back into the home are immediately put away.
  5. Don't forget to put the tarp
Friend the Marquis on Facebook!

The Grand Marquis above has it's own facebook page! If your feeling friendly go ahead and send a friend request! If enough friend requests are sent we will organize the trunk for free!

We hope these tips help you reduce the clutter in your trunk and save you gas money.
Need help organizing your trunk? Call a Collector Care Professional Organizer today!
925-548-7750 or rachel@collectorcare.com

1 comment:

  1. Collectors! Don't forget to check your roadside emergency kit. Make sure to have a reflective device to warn other drivers of danger, a first aide kit, a emergency blanket (its winter!), and a bottle of drinking water. Happy Holidays!! C2 GM Tony L.
